get started with setwala

Get Started With Setwala Today

Setwala is built for you. Event organizers, Event planners, Set designers, Small/medium and large size of event companys, Event Managers, Party planer, Individuals and entrepreneurs. Join hundreds of professionals who use Setwala to win your next project !

Pick Stage Design

Hundreds of designs to
pick from

Start with a hundreds of high-quality stage and stall design for Sales conferences, Annual conference, Festival, Concert, Exhibition and more.

Personalized Stage Design

Customized and personalized

Setwala editor is Easy to use and quick to Customize. you can add logo branding, Colors and Lights. Remove or replace element like seating arrangement, truss, sound and podium etc. Designs and win your next event pitch!

Stage Design Rendering

Real time high quality

Where tradional renderer takes hours to render one image. Setwala takes lessthen second to render, It’s just one click! Setwala has world’s fastest browser based renderer.

Vmix Virtual Set

Unreal Engine | Aximmetry

Set Design

Video Loop

It's This Easy

Build your next event in just minutes